Friday, 17 May 2013

Lipids – Important Part of Living Cells By Eric Ittah

Lipids are critically important to the structure and function of human body. Every cell of human body contains lipids and virtually all body functions directly or indirectly involves lipids. There are many types of lipids found in our body. Some of them include cholesterol, triglycerides and steroids.  Any imbalance or excesses in this substance can lead to disease.

One of the most important lipids found in human body is Cholesterol. It is manufactured in liver to meet the requirement of body. It is a lipid that serves as a major building block for the body. It also serves as a base chemical for vitamin D synthesis. It does not dissolve in water and binds to carrier proteins to travel in blood.

EricIttah is a leading biopharmaceutical consultant who has good knowledge of all food components and chemicals found in human body. He also has good knowledge of food processing methods and is aware of all technical issues related to different processes. Eric Ittah has 21 years of experience in the field of Food Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Trade shows – Excellent ways for making better prospects By Eric Ittah

Lack of experienced trade show exhibit management can make your trade show unsuccessful. To get desired success, trade shows demand exhibitors to be dedicated, trained and well respected in the industry. The job of an exhibitor is not so easy. He has to look into various factors to ensure that everything goes well during the show.

Accurate and timely planning can give good results. An exhibitor must be clear in his thoughts when it is time to choose booth space, arrange show logistics, develop effective product presentation and schedule exhibit materials. An exhibitor must have defined objectives and goals while he is a part of a trade show. Without a plan that is back up by effective exhibit management, an exhibitor cannot succeed in making an event successful.

Eric Ittah is a famous business man in Canada who has participated in a number of trade shows as an exhibitor. Whenever he is a part of a trade show, he gets maximum recognition because he is clear in his goals and objectives. Eric Ittah has made good relations with a number of customers at leading trade shows.