Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Chemistry of natural products By Eric Ittah

A natural product is a substance produced by a living organism. It is found in nature and is considered a major source for drug discovery. A natural compound is used mainly for treating many life threatening conditions. It is obtained from tissues of terrestrial plants, marine organisms and from microorganisms.  Today, there are many medicines that are obtained directly from natural products. They have been a fertile area of chemical research and experiments from many long years. 

Natural products can be classified into four major categories. A large number of these products are obtained from microorganisms. Many terrestrial and marine microorganisms have been screened for drug discovery. These organisms are chosen for extraction of natural products because they have a wide variety of potentially active substances. Even marine organisms contribute a lot because they synthesize many complex chemicals that act as possible remedies for a number of ailments. 

EricIttah is a leading biopharmaceutical consultant having good knowledge about the chemistry of natural products.  He is aware of all the sources that help in extracting natural products. Eric Ittah has worked on many successful projects and has helped many pharmaceutical firms in understanding the chemical composition of various drugs.