Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Basic information about chemical synthesis by Eric Ittah

Chemical synthesis is one of the major processes applied in pharmaceutical industries to prepare major compounds that we use today as pharmaceutical products. Some good examples of bulk pharmaceutical products that are made by this process include vitamins, antibiotics, cardiovascular agents and central nervous systems agents.

The making of pharmaceutical compounds using chemical synthesis involves a complex series of processes including many stages and chemical reactions performed in a step by step fashion. During this process, the professional operating the entire process adds reagents, maintains the flow of chilled water or steam, or carries any other activities depending upon the requirement. The materials from each stage is separated and transferred to the next step for further processing until the final compound is derived. Though all the stages of chemical synthesis can be conducted in the same manufacturing site but some of these stages can be transferred to any other site, depending upon the requirement.

You can educate yourself more about the process of chemical synthesis by communicating and discussing with Eric Ittah from Canada. Eric Ittah is a technical sales representative and chemist by profession and holds a reputable degree in Food Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry from Mc Gill University. As he has great passion for the subject chemistry, he has done good research in this subject. This has further helped Eric Ittah, a successful biopharmaceutical professional complete a number of successful projects.

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