Monday, 25 March 2013

Tips for enhancing problem solving skills: by Eric Ittah

Problem solving is the method of applying techniques or engaging in a task for which the solution method is not known in advance.

Problem solving is a great skill and is generally possessed by an expert professional. Individuals who are good at problem solving are also good at other mental abilities, including skills with analogies, critical thinking, perception, memory and creative thinking. They are good readers and possess knowledge of different approaches that they can use to solve problems. Some other skills that are possessed by problem solvers include metacognitive skill, the ability to monitor and assess their thinking. They are interested in obtaining more elegant solutions to the problems. Apart from the above mentioned skills, a problem solver focuses more on the structural features of the problem, and not just the surface features.

Eric Ittah is also a great problem solver. He is a well educated, intelligent and experienced professional in Canada. Some of the traits of possessed by him include creativity, innovation, positive thinking and honesty. These traits have made Ittah a successful biopharmaceutical consultant in Quebec, Canada. A lot of individuals approach Eric Ittah for advice because of his great knowledge and problem solving skills. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent!!!!!!!! Good tips, Eric..Will try to implement them. I also checked your website Nice layout and color combination.

